Alice in Dixieland in Rimini, a short story...

So Alice in Dixieland travels to the land of the good food. Everything nice 'n' easy you would say... BUT there is always things that can go wrong: our suitcases were sent to London instead of Milano.

On a nice venue like this one it would be rather inpolite to play the concert dressed in our sweaty travelling clothes..

But the soundcheck needs to be done in time....

So the girls go speedshopping with the festival organization. Two men in their eighties accompanying six young women.. thery were very happy!
We started off trying on some stuff in a shop for handmade theater clothing

but obviously this was not what we were looking for. Very nice and helpful lady by the way!
Fortunately this story has a happy ending: we found some nice clothes, the organization agreed to pay for it and the concert was great!
If I would have had pictures of that, I would have posted those... and thanks to Sanna for supplying these pictures!
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